Rockets families, I apologize for the late notification, but Rockets will need to close today at 3:30. The van will do its run at 3:30 instead of 4:30, but the remaining students need to be picked up at 3:30. We are going to have to do the same thing tomorrow, so van will run Friday at 3:30 and please get your kids by 3:30 at the elementary school.
about 2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp Parents, A quick reminder that school is released at 1:30 today and tomorrow.
about 2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp Families, Can we please get six strong individuals to come to the community center on Wednesday at 9:00 am to help move and set up the water slides? Also, can we get the same or different six individuals to come and take them down at 2:15? Please and thank you. Mr. Jensen
about 2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp Families, Today is field day for all students, normal dismissal time. Tuesday is Trivia Tuesday for all students, normal dismissal time. Wednesday is Water Day for all students, normal dismissal time. Thursday is Watermelon eating assembly for all students as well as 8th grade promotion at HCHS at 6:00, students will be dismissed early at 1:30. Friday is our awards assembly at 9:30, Kindergarten promotion at 10:30, school is dismissed for the summer at 1:30. Any questions call the school. Mr. Jensen
about 2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Rockets families, there will be no van today through Thursday due to the Eighth grade trip. Please come to pick up your students at 5:00. Van service will resume on Friday.
about 2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp families. Tomorrow is back to school night and Kindergarten round up, beginning at 4:30. We will be having those two activities from 4:30-5:30. Because of the afternoon activities we will be on a shortened day like we do on Fridays. Tomorrow, school will be out at 1:30, please plan appropriately. Rockets will run as normal, but without van run s Thank, Mr. Jensen
2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Rockets families, due to the field trip to the coast we will not have the Rockets van available today, Wednesday and tomorrow, Thursday. Please attempt to get your students as close to five as possible. Thanks, Mr. Jensen
2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Parents of fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys. The big boys have continued to destroy and vandalize their bathroom, so I have brought in two porta-pottys for them to use until the end of the year. I have also ordered an outside hand washing station for them to use. I wish that they could have learned to care for their school without needing to lose their bathroom, but it hasn't happened. Please talk to your boys about the need to care for their school. Mr. Jensen
2 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Rockets parents, Due to a lack of staff this afternoon, Rockets will be ending early at 4:00. The Van will leave at 4:00 for those students that ride the van. We apologize for the change in schedule. Mr. Jensen
3 months ago, Jacob Jensen
This message is just for seventh and eighth grade parents. Today our students got invited to an assembly at the High School at noon. We will be driving them over and they will need to be picked up at the high school, or we will let the walkers just walk home. Thanks, Mr. Jensen
3 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Parents, I apologize for the second message in one day, but we just had a long staff meeting where we discussed the very difficult behaviors we are having daily with our students. In light of the difficult behaviors, we are going to start having after school detention for one hour for students in fourth through eighth grade if a student gets a referral from a staff member. If your child gets a referral, please understand that many steps have been taken prior to writing a referral. I am going to again ask that you support us as your local educators and help us to get these behaviors under control.
3 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp parents, Today was a very difficult day for us as a staff with fifth through eighth grade. I had to call nine sets of parents to come down and speak with their children. If you are able to come down and volunteer at all in the next week, it would be greatly appreciated. Due to the very difficult behaviors, we are going to start calling parents immediately to try and head off all of the recent behaviors. If you see us calling, please know that we are calling because we need your help. I want to thank those parents that came today and helped us out. We all have to help to make sure we raise great young men and women.
3 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Parents, Due to a theft of a cell phone today and general poor behavior surrounding the misuse of cell phones we are going to reinstate the board policy about cell phones at school. Beginning tomorrow, all cell phones need to be turned in to the teacher at the beginning of school. Cell phones will be returned at the end of the day. We are still looking for an iPhone in a white case with a rose gold heart.
3 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp Parents, today we sent home a form specifically for your child to allow you to follow along with their good points and their discipline in one app. You must download the app in the app school for PBIS Rewards Family". Once you have done that scan the QR code on your child's paper. If you have questions, please call us at the school.
3 months ago, Jacob Jensen
I hope everyone has been enjoying their spring break with their families. As a reminder, there is NO school on Monday, April 8th as it is a makeup day for snow days and since we did not have any snow days, it is an extra day of spring break. Enjoy your last day tomorrow and we will see you children's smiling faces on Tuesday, April 9th. Thanks, Mr. Jensen
4 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Reminder...ASB BBQ brought to you by Richie Hahn. First come first served at 5:00 tonight at the Elementary School.
4 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp Families. I wanted to remind you that this Friday, March 29th at 5:00 is our Student Council fundraiser with Smoked Chicken and Ribs, potato salad, baked beans, and garlic bread. Richie Hahn will be cooking. It is first come first served and when it is gone it is gone! 20 dollars a plate, see you Friday.
4 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Rockets families, we apologize, but due to short staffing we will need to close Rockets at 3:00 today. The van will take students home at 3:00, if you child does not ride the van, please be here by 3:00 to pick up your child. Again, we apologize for the short notice.
4 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Fourth through Eighth grade boy parents, this is Mr. Jensen. Today I am sending home a letter letting you know that after significant vandalism and issues with vaping pens, I am pulling off the main door of the upper boy's bathroom. The stalls will continue to have doors, so the boys have privacy, but I have to be able to monitor what is going on in that bathroom. I understand that the doors have come off in prior years, and I was really hoping to not have to do it this year, but there has been too much inappropriate behavior. Please talk to your boys about proper behavior at THEIR school. I appreciate your support and I hope to get the door back on sooner rather than later.
4 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Greetings Happy Camp Elementary Parents! This is Mr. Jensen and we will be having our second Parent and Teacher Conferences next week Monday Thru Thursday. You will be getting notes home from your child's teacher to let you know when your conference is scheduled. If you need to change your time, please contact your child's teacher. Please remember that all next week we will be releasing students at 1:30, NOT 2:30. As a reminder, we will have Rockets all week if you need somewhere for your students until 5:00. Please call the office if you have any questions.
5 months ago, Jacob Jensen