Attention Parents and Guardians. Sorry for the inconvenience however. Rockets has been canceled today. Please p[ick up your children as school is let go at 2:30
5 months ago, Mr. C
Hello HCES Families, School Picture Gallery is ready to view. You may download a copy of your students' images with a watermark. If you are happy with the image please select the STAR on the image you want printed. This allows us to know you are happy with the image and we can print. PASSWORD: HCES24 Retakes are scheduled for February 22, 2024. Thank you for supporting HCES ASB Student Leadership!
6 months ago, Mr. C
Rockets families, there will be no Rockets van today due to the away basketball games.
6 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Valentine's Day Candy Grams are available for purchase to support ASB in their efforts to raise money to attend a Student Leadership Conference in April 2024. Please consider purchasing Candy Grams for your students, friends, teachers and loved ones. Order forms have been sent home and are available at the front office. Thank you for supporting Happy Camp ASB!
6 months ago, Mr. C
Attention Rockets Parents and Guardians. There will be no Rockets Van. Please Pick up your children by 4:15. Sorry for the inconvenience.
6 months ago, Mr. C
Parents, please plan on picking your students up from Rockets at Happy Camp High School today at the normal time. We will also have our normal van run today, just leaving from the High School.
6 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Good morning parents There is a LOT of sickness going around Happy Camp Elementary, as a reminder, if you child has a fever or is obviously sick please keep them home until they are better. Also, due to all the sickness, the Site Council meeting, as well as the Indian Education meeting are both canceled for this evening.
6 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Good evening Happy Camp Putawans! Tomorrow starts our spirit week at the Elementary School, please wear your brightest rainbow colors! Dress in as many colors as you can, it does not need to be rainbow, just lots of color.
6 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Attention Happy Camp Elementary School Parents. The sewer emergency situation at the school has been resolved. All areas effected by the sewer situation is being properly cleaned and sanitized. We will be in session tomorrow. School pictures will still be happening as well as the away basketball game. Rockets will also be in session. Please call the front office for more information. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
6 months ago, Carmynne Neimoyer
Attention Happy Camp Elementary School Parents. We apologize for the confusion and that the first notification did not go through. Our school was closed temporarily today due to emergency sewer issues. We are working to get the problem fixed but want to prepare you that school may not be open tomorrow. Please watch for further information. We will do everything in our power to inform you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
6 months ago, Carmynne Neimoyer
Rockets families. Due to boys' and girls' basketball teams going to away games, there will be NO Rockets van runs tomorrow, Thursday, January 18th. Please pick up your students by 5:10. Thanks!
6 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Attention Rockets Parents and Guardians. Sorry for the short notice. Today Rockets will be ending at 4:30. Latest pickup at 4:45. Thank you.
6 months ago, Mr. C
Parents, we hope you are enjoying the final few days of your Christmas break. As a reminder, we start back at school on January 9th, which is Tuesday.
7 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Rockets reminder. Please come and pick your students up today by 4:45 so everyone can get to the play by 5:00. As a reminder there is a short Christmas Program being put on by the Community Center and featuring some of our students that is happening at 6:00 pm tonight in the high school gym.
7 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Rockets families, please come and pick up your child from Rockets by 4:45 on Thursday so everyone has time to attend the Christmas program Thursday evening.
7 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Friday Happy Camp Families! I wanted to share that today we will NOT have the van to drive students home from Rockets. Parents, please come to the Rockets room by 5:00. On another note, please be extra careful dropping off students as we had a close call this morning. Please have patience and don't try to cut the line of parents dropping off their precious cargo.
8 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Great resource for parents, please consider subscribing to the number on the flyer.
8 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Awesome resource for parents
Good afternoon Happy Camp families! I wanted to remind everyone that Rockets is starting today, the first van run will be at 4:30 and the second one will be at 5:00. We are so happy Hannah Prukop has stepped up to be our new Rockets Coordinator. If you have any questions, please call the school.
8 months ago, Jacob Jensen
Happy Camp families, I wanted to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you for your support this first trimester, it is very much appreciated. Please enjoy this week off with family and friends and we will welcome our students back on November 27th. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break. Mr. Jensen
8 months ago, Jacob Jensen
A quick reminder from Happy Camp Elementary School. There is no school tomorrow, November 10th in honor of Veteran's Day. Enjoy your three day weekend Putawans!
9 months ago, Jacob Jensen